What's the deal with champion?

I went to the local Advance Auto Parts for some plugs. I was thinking I could try some E3s or Champions. I asked the lady at the counter if she had any plugs for a 1970 Dart "3.7" so I get a list, go through it and so on and so forth I say how about the Champions? and She tells me we don't stock them anymore. No one does anymore, if you want them it will have to be a factory order.

I'm just wondering if anyone else has heard of this or experienced this

Yeah, I'll agree there, any Champion in any of our cars just plain suck. They seem to make the engine lose power after about a week.:banghead:

Another tid bit is, if so desired you could put E3s in a lawn mower lmao

Boy, I am lost... You were the one complaining about not being able to buy Champions that started this thread.