Which leaf spring?

I actually seriously considered going the build it yourself route, getting a late model leaf spring and using them with my main spring. However my luck demands that i'd have to take it apart 14 times to get the look i want, and I will lose my motivation rather quickly with a project that runs me in circles. Especially considering that I'll only be into these springs for $250ish. Pull a parts would put me at $60-$80.

I have 5 total springs that i count 65valiant210. When i got into my car this morning to head to work, I noticed that the RR is actually just about an inch BELOW the top lip of the wheel, so it's saggy for sure.

I really dont care about ride quality to be honest, even if it rides like a 1 ton truck, I can live with that. I just want it to have a natural looking stance, hold the road, and have a safe ride height (ie. not scrub on speed bumps and not having to worry if I can drive over whatever that is in the middle of the road) It's never going to the track to race, I'm going to drive the hell out of it and enjoy the car for what it is, a nice driver.

I am not fond of street cars with a huge rake, or ones that sit unnaturally high. Im looking for a 1-2" rake. Now on 604's car, which is really nice btw, the rear doesnt seem to be as high as ive seen on other cars. Think prettybluedarts build.... in which i believe he went with the SS springs and the car seemed to sit a lot higher than i see 604's sitting.

Stopthebeast, do you happen to have a picture of your car with the mancini springs?
Im kind of torn now, between the three companies listed, lol. Mancini gets one vote for being a bit too high, while Mcveigh and springsandthings seem to be consistant..... GEEZ!!!