Is this considered rude?

You are going to run into a lot of weird comments, deal with idiots, deal with nice people.
You just roll with the punches and read each person and answer them as you see fit which is probably what you already do now.

I have had idiots let their kids climb on my car and then look at me like I just raped their wife because I asked them not to let their kid climb up my friggin bumper.

I have had people ask " would you mind telling me how much you have invested in the build?"
In this case I will give them an honest ballpark, and they usually say it looks like I have twice that much invested.

When you take it to shows and cruises you have to remember that some of the jerks you share the road with are now walking around all,these pretty cars, and yep, things sometimes get interesting but for the most part non eventful.

Two months ago I went to a large cruise and embarrassingly, my electric fuel pump gave out on me when I went to move to another spot.
Luckily I had a spare electric pump in my trunk and a little while later I was back in business.
While I was under the car there were people snapping pictures of me laying under the car replacing my pump.
Some might think this would be considered rude but being a picture ***** myself I understand that people live to take pics of anything interesting that may occur at car shows, cruises.
i had people ask of I needed help, all mopar guys,ha,ha.
I had people walk by giving snotty looks.
Had a few chicks walk by and make some cute comments.

Different strokes.