Making (sort of) 360 130 tooth flywheel

In the past I've noticed that some guys were having a hard time finding an affordable 360 external balance flywheel. I thought hey I'll just call Pioneer and order them. I was wrong the only cheap cast iron flywheel that is still made is the large 143 tooth flywheel for the the 360.

So being the cheap skate that I am I figured if I can still get the 130 tooth ring gears then I can probably machine one down. However I'm not into a whole boat load of work so I had my colleague draw me up an AutoCad print of the 143 tooth flywheel so I could get the positions of the balance holes--The rest would be up to me.

Anyways long story short I made a fixture, bolted the flywheel to the fixture and made 20 pounds of chips. No I'm not being funny. I weighed the flywheel before and it weighed exactly 35.75 lbs. When I was done it weighed in at 15.75 lbs!

I forgot to mention that this was a used flywheel to experiment on--I have a new one to machine ASAP for another 360 stick project I'm working on.

I did this awhile ago and it is currently working quite well in a circle track car.

Here are some pics. If I knew how to post video I would put up some pics of me machining it on the CNC mill. J.Rob