Girl wants to meet for drinks but... I don't really drink WHAT SHOULD I DO?

Man you are lucky to meet a girl not only into cars, but INTO CARS!!!

I agree I dont like drinking nad I dont like it at all. I come from a family that has a history with drinking and it is a big problem.

I find it really hard to date anyone that doesnt drink, it is just not out there.

I say be up front with her and tell her that you don't drink except for maybe a couple with dinner and go with it at that.

I have found that woman like it when you are up front and if she likes to drink and get out of hand, well it is better to find out now before you really start to like her.

This is what I do and I have been out on a lot of dates from a few dating sites and local woman.

--> Me talking. "If you want to go out lets meet up. I also don't drink but if you want a drink you can pay for them yourself and I will buy dinner. If you don't drink dinner is still on me."

The reply I get all the time is. "Okay sounds good and I will meet you there."

I have not had a problem with anyone when I'm up front and tell them I don't drink and I don't like it and to me it is a turn off.

So in short be up front she will like that more then anything else.