correct emblems and placement on 70 swinger

I made these measurements for a member earlier, maybe they will help. From a Swinger 340, although I don't know if there is a difference from regular ones.!104&authkey=!AFVFCwSXkrGbe00

All measurements are made as follows on both sides.

1) Run a piece of tape along mid bodyline, upper edge of tape is the body line.

2) All horizontal measurements are referenced from the edge of quarter panel at door. I set a mark 1" from the edge to use as my reference and then added the 1" to measurement from that point. This ensured that all measurements were from a set distance as it is a little difficult to use the edge repeatedly as it is not truly square.

3) Using a 90 degree right angle, measure up from the body line at marks to locate the center of the holes.

Both left and right are different.

Driverside measurements from door openings.

1) 11-1/2" H, 5-3/4" V (Dart)
2) 14-7/8" H, 3-1/2" V
3) 15-1/4" H, 5-3/4" V (Dart)
4) 16-9/16" H, 5-3/8" V
5) 18-3/16" H, 5-5/16" V
6) 20-3/8" H, 4-9/16" V

I'd use #1 to locate Dart fore/aft and vertical measurement for both pins.
And #2 and #6 to locate outer Swinger emblem, paint to fing middle two.

Passenger side measurements from door openings.

1) 6-9/16" H, 4-3/8" V
2) 8-11/16" H, 5-1/4" V
3) 10-5/8" H, 5-3/8" V
4) 11-3/8" H, 5-7/8" V (Dart)
5) 12-1/8" H, 3-11/16" V
6) 15-9/16" H, 6" V (Dart) it appears this emblem is actually crooked on mine, and should be same as fourth one.

I'd use #1 & #5 to set the Swinger emblem and put a dab of paint to find the center two locations.
Then use #4 to set the fore/aft Dart pin, and make the Vertical the same for #6.
