
Frankie is right. Antifreeze has anti boiling and anti freezing properties.

If you only run in warm water, you can get away with straight water, but if you don't remove the radiator cap during winter storage, the water can freeze and crack your block when it expands and turns to ice. If you use straight water, take the radiator cap off so the ice is allowed to expand out of the top of the radiator and not crack your block.

I like to buy the straight anti freeze and then dilute to 50/50 myself. I don't like to pay over $4.00 per gallon for water unless I'm at a concert or sporting event.

The best mixture to run is 50/50 antifreeze and water.


How do you make antifreeze?

Hide her night gown... LOL!

How do you make a horemone?

Don't pay her.... LOL!