Rear Drums: hot & smelly!

Not long ago, I noticed a burning smell after getting home from running errands (40 minutes of stop-and-go city driving). Followed my nose to the rear driver-side wheel. Touched the wheel and it was hotter than hell!

A few months back I had re-done the rear drums (both sides) and hadn't noticed any issues since that time. Now normally I don't take the Valiant on anything longer than a 10 minute jog to work or the grocery store, so this recent 40 minute stop-and-go trip was probably the hardest they've been tested. It's possible the issue's always been there and I just hadn't noticed it.

When I did the rear brakes, everything was new: drums, shoes, hardware (springs, adjusters), & wheel cylinder. Haven't had the Valiant long enough to know the full history so figured it was best to just change everything out.

Anyhow, pulled off the drum to take a look and here's what I found:
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Can somebody see something that I can't??? I half expected to find something detached or for the drum to be seized on. Looks like there may be a little glazing of the shoes, but otherwise nothing jumped out at me. My findings:

-Drum was not seized on. Came off with just normal force.
-Was able to spin adjuster freely in both directions.
-Compared everything against the shop manual and other photos and everything (springs, etc) seemed to be in the right position.
-I have experienced no 'pulling' while braking nor do I notice any drag. Before pulling off the drum I confirmed it spun fine and wasn't hung up. I don't really use the parking brake ever.
-It did appear the top edge of the front shoe was worn a little further than the rest of the shoe. Not sure if it's significant enough? Circled in yellow in this photo.

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I did notice there was some minor play at the top where the front shoe rests on the top anchor. It wasn't much, but I couldn't get it to 'stay' solidly against it by fiddling with the springs. Took the passenger rear drum off for comparison and was able to manipulate the shoes at the post as well (ever so slightly), so not sure if that's even an issue or not.

Hoping someone out there with more experienced eyes than mine can see something I can't! Thanks guys....