Total firetruckin bullshit!

And there aint a chance in HELL i'd ever move to Phoenix.
Or is it the other way around? (There aint a chance in Phoenix i'd ever move to hell):D

Damn that sucks! I really feel for you. I had the same thing, basically. A house full of 8 or 9 kids and adults, everyone of them as rude and annoying as the next. Not only did I have to look at them, hear and smell them every day and night, I also had many things stolen. Some items were my spare tire in my truck, the lights off my car trailer and the freakin garden hose!!! Who steals a hose? Scum, thats who! Anyway, I ended up moving away from the area. Im guessing you live in the West valley??? That was were I was, Glendale to be exact. Im in Down Town Phoenix now. My neighborhood is quiet and Im surrounded by older people and artists. I know running away isnt exactly how you fix problems but it fixed mine! I say either hang in there, run them off (meaning burn their house down) or vacate the area. Just a suggestion.