Total firetruckin bullshit!

Anything you do that involves "reprimanding" them will only make it worse. Try being ridiculously nice to them. If you can somehow keep them from becoming spiteful you'll have the best chance of some sort of peaceful existence. Don't show any anger or feelings that can be construed as hate. The best possible situation would be that they Like you and say things Like " don't mess with him" or "He's a good dude don't disrespect his property" Trust me, Even people from the Ghetto understand respect. You gotta give it to get it. There are people Like this I have to deal with on a daily basis and I pray before every word I say. It sounds crazy but when I remember to pray first, the interactions go just fine every time. You may Mock me for this attitude but the outcome will be much worse if you just Label them as Scum and then treat them that way. If you have now ruled out your neighborhood as an acceptable place to live then start planning to move. But you need to keep it a peaceful as humanly possible in the meantime. You want to be able to look in the mirror and say you did everything you could to be the bigger Man. Good luck & God be with you through this situation. You will be able to look back at this and see that it was just minor BullS$%t.