Marta (TXDart Mom) Prayers

Thanks again to all of you for the prayers.
I running in circles at my shop getting very little done...

Leanna is just a doll and she is trying to get you jealous.I sure she is happy that it is working!!! LOL

I just got off the phone with my mom and she says she feels great except for the tube up her nose.The doctor has not seen her today !!!
She even asked if I was going to Oklahoma,she knows I am a workaholic !!!
I told her it depends on her condition and she said if they do not let out by Wednesday ,she is walking out !!! (she kidding of course).
If see has surgery, I will miss the cookout but if not I will go,with her blessing of course....Hey, I am a Momma's boy since I lost my Dad in 1993.
She all I got other than my three brothers and sister...
I will know more when I visit her tonight...I got the family evening shift.
My brothers and sister take the watch in the day !!!
Back to work !

That's good news. Hope she gets out and you can come.

I hear you about only having a mom, I lost my dad also - it sucks. Hang on to what you got left while they are still here.

Will be great hanging out with you all this weekend.