Vinyl Top Adhesive

As far as over the counter spray can adhesive goes its 3M Super Trim Adhesive #8090. Autozone, napa, etc sell it for around $20 a can. I used 2 cans on my Duster top. Mopar Muscle did several articles on v top installs, try a google search.
In a nutshell:
Mask off the car to avoid overspray.
Find & mark the center of the roof an top front and rear, I drew a line down the top & car
Trim SOME of the excess material off.
Once the center is marked start with gluing one strip down the center approx 4"
Then roll out the top and check to make sure its centered. I used the v top seams to the drip rail distance on mine.
Start gluing one side at a time. Its best to have 2 people, 1 to pull the ends tight and the other to roll the material down. The sides take some stretching to avoid wrinkles.
Find something dull and rounded that can go in the drip rail seams, I used scissor handles on mine to press the top into the groove.
Measure 3x's cut once. Trim slowly. Get new razor blades. Do it in the sun makes it easier to work with