Vinyl Top Adhesive

I have installed several tops on Mopars and Fords and I always use plain old contact cement from True Value Hardware Stores, it is a brush on and it works great with no mess or overspray issues. Mark the center of your windshield and the center of your rear window, find center of you V top and fold the top in half, align the V top center to the windshield and rear window center marks, brush glue on V top and on 1/2 side of the roof except where it comes down behind the quarter windows, let glue on both pieces set until it is not tacky, about 10 min depending on temp, fold top over onto glued roof and smooth out any wrinkles which is very few if any, I then do the same on the other side, once both sides are glued down then I do the area from the roof down to the quarter panel, I do not cut any material until the V top is completely glued down and dried. Seriously this job is way easier than what you think it might be.

^^^^ Good advice, but around the edges I've never used spray tack, simply because of the "spray" aspect of it. I've always used a brush on vinyl top adhesive. For the bulk of the roof spray tack is fine.

In your case, George, you should be able to get hooked up with a local upholstery shop who can sell it to you by the pint or quart. Mine has it in the five gallon drum and is more than willing to share.

The biggest thing is just like women's stockings of yore: make sure the seams are straight.