nwdart still trying to post pics

nw, for this particular site, you don't NEED a separate photo hosting site. All you need to do is learn whatever photo software you have available, learn to crop and resize photos, and this site can upload them. Just click the second icon from the right above the window and follow the destructions that appear

For resizing, it depends on what you are comfortable with At the "bottom" of the pile, you can even use Microsuck "Paint", along with any other photo software you have, including whatever came with your camera.

I use "GIMP" which is a free photo editor. There are downloads you can get free which do little more than resizing. Many people like "Irfanview"

Generally you want to resize your photos to 800x600 or 600x ...... Otherwise, you cause the displayed page to get so huge that the rest of us have to scroll the thing sideways as well as vertically.