Florida "Key Lime" 76 Duster Build

Back to the hood dings and dents.......Hoods can be miserable to work on, especially on the top portions where there's little support from framing. For these areas, I use a 3M hand block with 60 grit, and NO hand pressure.

(remember I told you to let that filler get HARD?......I let hood areas cure for 2 days before sanding because it cuts smoother and easier, and I can get away with ONE piece of paper versus 10 if I sanded too soon....you do it your way if you want, but this is mine....and it works).

I lay the block over the cured filler, hold the block by my finger tips, then let my wrist twist back and forth quickly over the area until I reach what I call a "ghost layer"......this is when I can SEE the outlines of the ding/dent THROUGH a very thin layer of filler.....a quick swish and a swipe more, and I STOP. It's now ready for a "kiss coat" of filler, and we'll sand it down after it's cured with some 80 grit before priming.....when it's done, you'll never see a thing. Remember....if you cut down to the edges of your dent, you've GONE TOO FAR. Leave a "ghost". ..........and KEEP THAT BLOCK FLAT.