Steelies! Black or body color? Opinions needed

73AbodEE has done it all with his yellow Duster, body color, w & w/o trim rings etc. He's posted pics of all his combos. He changes it up quite a bit (ain't that right 73AbodEE?) :toothy8: I think I like black, until I see body colored...LOL


LOL Pat ... that would be correct hehe

I like it all

get 2 sets of steels, one painted black and one painted body color.

get you a set of nice trim rings , chrome lug nuts and dog dishes

between all that, you have about 6 or 8 different combinations lol. i really do like the body color wheels.

and if that isnt enough, get you some cragars , centerlines , magnum 500s , and a set of slots

nothing better than options lol . exactly like 68 formula says, every combo gives the car a different look and attitude