1984 Dodge Rampage Wiring Schematic

First off, please bear with me...I'm in over my head from jump! I bought a 1984 Rampage and have been replacing things here and there as needed, but am having an electrical problem with it and need to track down a schematic for the dashboard gauge lights, turn signals etc. I'm at the mercy of the tolerance/patience of my son and ex-husband to get me up and running again and their instructions were "just find the d@mn thing". I had a fuseable link replaced last week, but evidently the mechanic didn't track down what caused the problem. I found melted wires next to what I believe is the part he replaced, and out of stranded desperation mooched some electrical tape and stuck the wires back together to get it started to get back home. Can someone PLEASE tell me where to find a schematic so that they can try to figure out the origin of the problem? (today was the second time that it just stopped and could not be restarted, replaced the fuseable link last and it started and ran, but I could tell something was not right...felt like it was missing, radio cut off and came back on, which is what happened the first go round) at any rate, I've got a band aid on it at the moment but really need to get it back on the road....as you may have gathered, I am a woman, ignorant of repairs, but I just fell in love with "Herc" as soon as I saw it and had to have it, therefore I am willing to accept whatever comments you all deem necessary to instill in my mind that I really ought not buy things I can''t fix myself.:dink::oops: