early A body exhaust EXPERTS!

I'll get a sound clip my sons girl has an i phone i'll have her help me. Thank you for the comments,i can stick my hand between the pipes and tank with room to move [looks closer than it is] i wanted flowmaster 10 series single chamber muffs but this guy talked me into these they sound just like the old round thrush glasspacks but not as rappy. My request to him was i wanted a muffler who's sound would make small children cry and he delivered,however the interior sound level is quite intence at lower rpms quiets down at higher rpms, i'm not sure exactly how loud it is [due to being half deaf aircraft/race car mechanic what are ear plugs] i have a ram dually with a 4 inch straight pipe turbo to tip and i'm told it's ungodly loud but with my hearing it sound mildly loud.