I spy with my little eye...

They have the "hoarder" syndrom... Have a friend here in town that is like this. He has around 45-50 mopars in a yard. I think his entire net worth is tied up in the cars and they have sat for decades. For years he would not part with any of them, always claiming to restore them and sell them one day. In recent years he has decided to sell most of them - but the prices he puts on the stuff says otherwise. Most of the cars were probably salvageable 10-20 years ago but now most are "one with the earth" under them and he wants tip top dollar for them.
The other place I mentioned earlier, Peedin's Garage here in NC has hundreds and hundreds of old Mopars and all sorts of pulled parts in buildings. The owner died several years ago and a couple of the family members are trying to liquidate but their prices are sky high on the cars and parts. Most of the cars have returned to earth from the knee down and the longer they sit they will waste away even more quickly. There are so many old Mopars at this place that it would take 20 years to get rid of them if they just started giving the cars away for free. There just aren't that many people that are willing to restore cars this bad.