Pulls to right

Okay, so I should probably make sure that the issue is clear. I took the car in for an alignment because it was eating tires. This place had never touched the car before last weekend. Prior to being taken in, it was chewing up the insides of both front tires and went fairly straight, slightly drifting to the right going down the highway.

As my own rule, no one but my brother, my dad, and I ever climb behind the wheel of this car. I have another brother that I have yet to let into the driver's seat, so I was not going to let the tech drive it. If the tech had been around when I picked it up, he would've been riding shotgun.

I am looking at the bearings and brakes tonight. If I don't find anything, I'll be looking closer at the suspension. I was told that I was welcome to bring it back tomorrow afternoon if I want and they'll throw it back on the rack.