Pulls to right

As a tech that does alignments I wouldn't find it the least bit strange if someone wanted to be present for the test drive of their car. That statement only applies to unusual cars. If someone with a 2006 camry/accord/stratus/generic car didn't trust me to drive it without them I probably wouldn't drive it with them either. I think the sportiest things I have ever aligned was a few honda s2000's.

Now another possibility is the alignment machine lied to you and the tech. We use a hunter laser rack and when making large camber and caster adjustments it has been known to show you numbers that are not physically possible. I have seen 6 degrees of camber on the front of a tundra. I had to restart the machine and run through the compensation procedure about 4 times just to get repeatable believeable specs on that truck. That truck was an involved pita that had its frame replaced.