A body hood torsion rods help

At the other end of the rod (other side of the car) from the circle is the 90 that needs to face forward, right?

I was trying to explain how they come off in my picture and didn't think about telling you to pull em out and put them back in with those arms facing forward under that sheetmetal.

Did I make better sence this time? :D

Sorry bout that.

It's not any easier with the hood off, because then you would have the springs fighting you when you try to line the boltholes back up for the hinges.

Nice pics, the 90 deg bend I am talking about is the one that goes under, not the one attached to the hood. A picture would have to be taken from the side of the car to see it well. I had someone from the show mention that they are hard to compress back in. Also, will the hood need to be removed, or just supported with something?