What's going on? (brake question)

The guy that I bought my dart from had definitely done some shady things. But jerry rigging the brakes??? This is the most dangerous thing that I have found that they did screwey.

After replacing all brake lines(all rubber and steel), I went to bleed the system and it was not working. Wasnt getting any pressure to the rear lines. I realized that I had a leak coming from the back of the master cylinder(inside the car on the firewall). After looking at my '67 SM, it said to remove the brake pedal push rod. So when taking off the old master cylinder to replace it with a new one, that is the first thing that I did. When I did this, I was suprised at what came out with the pushrod. Take a look at these pictures and tell me what you think. I probably need a new push-rod, as the tip is also bent on the end that goes into the master cylinder. What else am I missing. Everything that you see in the picture is what was installed on the car. Nothing else. I dont think that this was set up correctly at all judging by the bent "washer"(i dont know what to call it) on the back of the master cylinder. and also, I know the hose clamp on the pushrod can't be correct...

So currently I have a new master cylinder, and a bent tip on the brake pedal pushrod. What do I do now?:banghead: