Jeep Rant

My descriptiveness was based on a deliberate effort to keep the profanity to an acceptable level. is good, but nowhere near the tech-savvy I've gotten used to around here. There was a post there a while back titled: "HELP! I've never seen a carburator before!"

Sorry to hear you're not getting the help you need on JF. Unfortunately it seems that many of the really tech savvy YJ guys have bought newer rigs, there are a few of us around willing to help as much as we can. ANY electrical questions talk to Que, mechanical ask Mean Max (those are the two I go to when I can't figure it out). Pretty much anyone in the "wrecking crew" will provide you good info or at least point you in the right direction. A big problem is we're being inundated over there with a slew of 16 - 22 year olds that KNOW everything. :violent1:

Funny my first post here is about another forum that I'm active on, so far just reading as much as I can over here.