HELP 76 dart gas an temp gauges wont work!!!

Good for you for working on this. I've had to learn by the seat of my pants over the years on all my old Mopars including rewiring the dash of my 74 Satellite when the wires to the ammeter overheated and melted everything together. The common cause of that issue is an entire chapter in vintage Mopar electrical book.

I echo the need to purchase a factory manual with a factory wiring diagram. There's a wealth of information on those pages including what individual plugs and connectors look like to help in your search. It doesn't take long to teach yourself how to read the diagrams plus you can then ask very specific questions while looking at a reference.

I like the CD's because when I have a greasy dirty job, I print out the pages I need and then toss them when they get finger printed up. You can also go to every section you need for the job and print out a nice little packet before you begin. Plus the bindings on the HUGE factory reproduction manuals always come apart in the shop.