Upper molded radiator hose A/C 273 cars

Napa lists both hoses although the ac hose doesn't look like the one in the Atlas kit. http://www.napaonline.com/Catalog/R...7+5999999&Nty=1&Ntt=radiator+hose&Ntk=Keyword

Year one lists a aftermarket hose like the Napa one.

Laysons lists aftermarket hoses for each application.

Atlas Obsolete only has slant 6 hose kits

Autoparts Warehouse and Autozone were no help

RockAuto lists quite a few different hoses. The first 4 or 5 are universal flex and not molded hoses but most of the others are pictured but none look like the one needed for ac.

I'll keep looking! LOL tmm