In what order should i do everything?

I cant remember where I was at in the progress of this project when I originally started this thread. But since this post, I started a relationship that really got me distracted from my true passion of working on the dart. unfortunately, the 2 year relationship came to an end a couple weeks ago..Since then, I have been back into my hobby, and getting alot done.

The rear end is all installed, the front end is all rebuilt now as well. I did leave some of the front end loose still though, until I get the full weight into the car.

So I still need to install the engine, trans, and also the headers onto the engine. What do you guys recommend I should do to install these.? Should I bolt up the Engine/trans and drop them in as one unit? And also, what about bolting the headers up, and dropping the engine(with headers), and transmission in all together?

I don't know if this even makes sense, because it might not work to clear the headers also..

Does anyone have any thoughts/suggestions for me? thanks