Dash Gauges...am I nuts?

Have you ever lived with a digital dash car before? I have had a few over the years, and dislike them, a dislike that extends to clocks as well. I find them hard to metabolize the precise information provided particularly the speedometer. Your brain uses a lot more energy to decipher 53 mph vs. the swing of an analog needle. With analog, and most cars on the show room floor these days have reverted back to them, one can more precisely interpret speed, rate of acceleration, and with a glance see the general area the needle is pointing using no higher cognitive brain function to compare speed limit, and reading. Perhaps being a bit dyslexic taints my perspective on digital gages, but where most auto makes now install analog speedometers I suspect that they figured most folks don’t like the things.

That is a lot of dough for about five bucks worth of circuitry, but cool is cool to the eye of the beholder.

Just my 2 cents.