Possible Career Change...

HP for sure.

Never forget the time back in 76. Had a Scirocco. Took this big right hand sweeper off the 280 to the 17 toward the coast. Entered at around 85 and exited touching 100 in a full drift, right in front of one of those 440 HP Dodge Cruisers. I mean I came out right in front of him. Maybe 5 car lengths ahead. So I did not hesitate. Just put my right signal on and pulled over an he followed. Back then it was cool to get out of the car which I did. I was in a suit as I was headed for a business meeting even though it was Saturday. So I say to him as he gets out of his car. " Good Morning ! " He replies likewise. He then takes a moment and follows with. " Ya were going pretty fast through that turn. " To which I replied. " Yeah I like the turn. " It takes another pause and says. " Oh OK " " Well have a nice day " Then he gets in that big Dodge and lights em up as if to say. " I like to go fast too. " LOL True story.