Possible Career Change...

You know that for sure? Would he ever hand the reins over to you? I would think that if its you and him right now, it would only be logical for you to take the next step if he decides that he is done. As long as you've 'put your time in' seems like a no-brainer.

Mosher is at least that old, he's still going strong.

I dunno, being a cop might seem stable and a noble job and all that but there's no passion in it, at least in my opinion. I could never do it myself, I can't stand people, I would not want to 'protect' them from themselves. And the only thing any cop/officer/patrolman ever 'served' me was a ticket. I think guys become cops because they don't know what else to do and the benefits look good. My neighbor is a NYC cop. I suppose he likes the job but from what he tells me it seems pretty limited. Works all kinds of crazy hours, he's often asleep in the middle of the day. He comes shuffling in to my garage when I'm tinkering around, trying to see what I'm doing, like oooh I wish I could do that. I work on cars every day at a dealership. Some days I can't stand it but I would never trade it for anything else because that's what I'm passionate about it.

I've said it before, MY DREAM JOB IS LITERALLY YOUR JOB. Tell Greg to hire me!

lol im not throwing in the towel yet... im just exploring my options... would greg hand it over to me? maybe... he loves the work so i dont know how he would do without it lol...