Possible Career Change...

There are ups and downs. You get to carry a gun, even in Illinois. However you may need to find new friends because most people don't want cops hanging around. You will undoubtably land up with many cop friends. I didn't notice if you were married or not, but it will be hard on your wife and family. Divorce and alcohalism are rampant. You do get to carry a gun.

well that is true... but it is in a lot of high stress jobs... and carrying a gun is an after thought...

805 - Go for it, regardless. Its a great career, make decent money and you can diversify doing what every you challenge yourself too, narcs, UC, traffic, flying, you name it. In any profession you get jack-offs, just treat people like you want to be treated and it all works out. He who dares wins. Sounds like you have a great job and future, sounds like if you try something else and don't make it, you would all ways have something to fall back on, sounds like you have the motivation to succeed. Marriage issues and alcoholism drug use, etc.. occur everywhere - poor reasons to not try something you want.

Good luck on either route -- Like Yogi said, when there is a fork in the road, take it.


Just don't end up like the pecker head in Reardan up here, tickets you for 31 in a 30....

lol nope... but there is this lady up here that does 75 in a 45... run me off the road more than once... boy she is in for it!