Who Created the Southern Rockies Region With These States

memike....U should be included in ALL the regions my friend

On a side note, plefe has kindly offered to share his geography talents with us. Maybe we can get the "Regional Boards" straightened out

The whole Regional Boards forum is a mess and seldomly used because they are hard to figure out where every state fits in. When I first came on Oklahoma wasn't mentioned anywhere and when I asked it was added with the South Centeral Region. Every region should have the state that region includes as the #1 sticky in that thread.

South Central Region
Board for the states of Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisana.

Why wouldn't Arkansas be included with the South Centeral Region. It is due north of Louisana and straight east of Oklahoma. To me Kansas and Missouri should be also with the South Central Region. The regions should form some type of a square or rectangle using state lines. I realize the states in the north eastern part of the US would be hard to make any shape out of.