Hey ya'all - How's it going.

Haven't been around much...Been busy this year.

Extended Family issues arose on my wife Kim's side of the family, which required Kim's and my attention almost full time..What a PITA that was. But now it's done.

On another note, our Son Josh moved out for 5 months, a move that did not work out due to a massive flea infestation at the house he was sharing with some work buddies . Josh is allergic to flea bites, and the owner of the house would do nothing about the issue, so then Josh had no choice but to move back home..which is cool with us. For a while...

On a sad note, We lost our Shar-Pei Dog Boo-Boo to cancer a month ago.. Kim was devastated as he was her "favorite"..

Also, Yogi, our one surviving dog, went into a deep depression over the loss of his buddy. He was not eating much at all and took to sleeping all night and most of the day as well...So in due time, we decided that sometime soon, we'd have to adopt another dog.

Well, about a week and a half ago, Kim found a 3-month old Shar-Pei Puppy for sale in a city about 20 miles away from us.. We went to meet the Pup and saw that he had a sister and thet they were inseparable...So we got them both

Meet Peaches and Casper:

BTW, these pics were not posed - That's just the way that they hang out all day, and is also the reason as to why we didn't have the heart to pick only one and split them up when originally we went to buy just the One puppy.

Yeah, I know...we are SUCKERS.

On another subject - Work is OK, we've been busy, and in some respects I got some quality time to indulge in my other "hobby", my guns.

Just this week I managed to get my hands on a fairly rare Bakelite 40-round Russian made Magazine for my AK.

Those of you who are similarly into guns, and specifically AKs, know that these large capacity Bakelite mags in 7.62 X 39 are usually unobtanium.

I got lucky; was in the right place at the right time, and got one... :D

Well, that's it for now..

See you around

Take care, Guys and Girls..
