Carlisle Nationals contest are rigged !!!

really ? this is news to you ? next year volunteer to do something at the show and you'll make the top 5 in the daisy dukes contest yourself , this goes on at every car show ever in some way or another , our local mopar show is put on by a dealer who will openly tell you he picks the winners , last time I went a couple of years ago now the "peoples choice" winner arrived on a flat bed wrecker 20 minutes before the trophy hand out and well after 90% of the people who voted had gone home , it is what it is if you go to the shows to be rated and validated well you've got self esteem issues and should see a professional about that , try going to meet and enjoy a good time with your mopar brethren , I find the best shows are the ones with no form of judging at all . Come to Moparfest we'll show you a great time .