Hey ya'all - How's it going.

Hey, Guys...Good to see you.

Mulli - Yogi is doing good. The first days were kinda touchy..He'd growl at the Pups as they approached him and were wanting to play with him or eat from his plate of food..


Then about 5 nights ago, Yogi, who loves to patrol our backyard, he went off in a rage towards the Back Fence and the little guys, who at that time were sleeping on the floor next to me in the living roor, well they took off after him, growling and barking themselves. Then the female stopped about halfway out in the middle of the backyard and sat down to watch, while the little guy backed up Yogi, patrolling the entire length of the fence, growling and pacing exactly as Yogi did. IOW, they were larning from Yogi and he was teaching them the ropes..Which is good, because we often have Coyotes prowling the river bed which runs behind our property.

This river bed empties into a Saltwater Marshland about 3 miles away and is a favorite route for predators to get to the happy hunting grounds offered by the Marsh..and on their way there, the coyotes often attack cats and small breed dogs and puppies.

So we are on our toes, especially at night, when these two pups want to go outside to "take Care of Business"...

But after that First episode at the fence, all three dogs have been eating and sleeping together and sometimes playing in unison. Also since then, when the pups go out at nite, Yogi follows and keeps an eye on the fenceline till they little ones are back in the house..It's sweet to watch..

And then a couple of days ago, I caught one time where the little girl was sleeping with her body draped halfway across Yogi's back, while her brother was touching Yogi's back legs and all three were snorring as if there was no tomorrow..

So things are OK on the Dog-Front, and the rest of life here as well..

I'm enjoying fully this time of peace and tranquility for as long as it lasts, till the next shystorm hits..

And they always do...

But right now, as I write this, my wife Kim tells me that all three dogs are laying down, sleeping together on our bed..

Fookin' dogs - They live better than I do.
