Hey ya'all - How's it going.

Muad'Dib - I'm working on getting a pic of the 3 Dog Nite...Thing is as soon as I go get set up, Yogi wakes up and the other two follow instantly..

I feel like Elmer Fudd trying to 'neek up on that silly Wabbit..

BTW, Coyotes are very smart critters..!

A buddy of mine who's an experienced coyote hunter told me recently that he had to put on a Killflash / ARD on his scope because the Coyotes learned to look out for the scope's reflection of the sunlight, and they'd haul *** outta Dodge real quick if they caught a hint of a glint...

Ever since he fitted that Killflash, my friend has not had any more issues with coyotes spooked by his scope's reflection.

I'll have to keep ARD is mind.