Possible Career Change...

Sorry kid, you are going to enforce the law how the other cops do or you be gone before long. People driving "too slow" do not get ticketed--just how it is unless they are going really really slow and or drunk

We can drive a few miles over in the right lanes as well, least around here in se Michigan

You butt is going to be on video and audio with those tamper proof cameras when you make a traffic stop--unless you decide to be tough guy and work for Detroit police and then traffic laws are going to be the least of your worries.

"Ah sir, the speed limit is 70 and you were going 69 in the far left lane. I don't like that but lets see what law did you break---oh, you thought there was something in or near your lane up ahead and you were just being careful so you didn't crash--ah have a nice day"

Freaken people are going to start complaining about you