Wiring Diagram w/ Values on It?

Measuring the resistance of wires would be extremely difficult .

Exactly why I'm forever tryin' to get guys to learn to use "voltage drop" which is testing wiring under load. Especially since modern digital meters use such little current, you can run a wire from the battery all the way to the trunk, or if the battery's in the trunk, all the way to the front, with say, a no 14 wire to extend one meter lead.

Then you can see what you "lost" at the other end. Only time you cannot do this, really, is when you have a bad short and cannot fully power the circuit.

But ohmeters are FAR more accurate nowadays than they used to be. My Flukes have a low resistance scale with a button push to allow for zeroing out the lead resistance.

You oughta try doin' this with the junk I had as a kid. 1000 ohms per volt, and "pin jacks" for meter switching. Those old meters did not measure much in the way of amperage (maybe 1 or 2) and NO AC current measurements, either.

THIS thing would'ha been a step up