Met a WWII Fighter Pilot tonight ***UPDATE

So tonight I was busy when my coworker says 'Hey your friend is back,' they seated him in someone else's section. Which was good because I went and sat down beside him on the banquette...first I made sure I told Wally "Thanks" from all you guys, and he was glad to hear it. Then he shared some amazing stories....he was part of liberating Paris, and decided to fly under the Eiffel Tower. But as he got close he saw there were lots of wires around it so he changed his mind. Another time where they were in France, a big stray German guard dog came along...he started playing with him with a rope when the dog lunged at him, but when he ducked out of the way, the dog just started barking as if he was laughing at him. From then on, that was his dog, he slept at the foot of his bed. One day as he was walking towards his plane to go on a mission, the dog kept tugging on his pants trying to stop him from going. That was the mission where he lost half of a wing and barely made it back. When they moved from that area, he had to give up the dog, but he convinced a pilot of a bigger plane to bring the dog back to England where hopefully he found a new life. We talked for a long time. I had hoped but didn't really believe I'd see Wally again, I sure won't ever forget him.