Met a WWII Fighter Pilot tonight ***UPDATE

Very cool!!!

Me dad works at the Museum of Flight in Seattle, and helped restore the B-17, the 307, and is working on the B-29.

I havent been for a while but they used to, and still do, have guest speakers.

I have been to see Col. Paul Tibbetts, the Memphis Belle's Captain Morgan, one of the P-38 pilots who is part of the Lost Squadron who landed in Greenland, they dug his plane out and its now flying again as Glacier Gal,

The pilot who i think was lead plane on the mission to shoot down Yamammoto, One of Pappy Boyingtons Black Sheep, Fred Haise and Jim Lovell too

The best talk was from Eric Hartman, the top WW2 German Ace, and a P-51 ace George Preddy.

1n 1944 Eric Harman had a dogfight with a P-51 that was escorting bombers, that lasted 30 min, the both expended all their ammunition in the dog fight. When they couldnt shoot each other any more, the P-51 pilot flew anlong side, they saluted and departed.

they both returned to base, neither one had any bullet holes in the airplane, they both remembered the fight at the end of the war, and this was their first meeting in person ever.

They both told their own story of the dog fight, incredible!!!

One of the stories was from a guy that tried to recover a B-29 in Greenland. Forgot his name.

He had known about a B-29 that had been forced to land in Greenlland on a ferry flight. It was still out on a frozen tundra by a lake.

a team of guys spent 2 yrs restoing out there, trying to get it ready to fly, new engines etc.

they got it flyable, bulldozed a runway on the ice, and got it ready to take off. On take off, the generator they were using for a apu, had a gas tank that over turned and caught fire, the plane burned and melted through the ice, i cant imagine that.

Paul Tibbets was asked if he felt any remores for dropping the bomb and killing so many people. "Nope, I had a job to do and i did it"

Capt Morgan said the movie Memphis Belle was a bunch of BS, their last mission was a milk run.

If anyone is interested, i have a ton of pics when my dad and i crawled through the B-17 and B-29, those kids had some balls back then.

Pics here