What tranny for a 318?

alright, time has come to build to the tranny while the motor is out and engine bay is being touched up..

It's an automatic torque flight 904.

what's a good;

column to floor conversion kit?

Shift kit? (somethin to make the shifting strong. Also, so I can manually go through the gears as I please) .. it will be my daily driver too, so somethin that won't drive me nuts when I'm just casually driving and not racing around town, but like I said, I need it to perform when I want to stand in it.. Something along the lines of "slap shifting".

Rebuild kit? (something to make it handle the 318 with a high stall torque converter.)

reverse shift kit? Necessary? I run prerunner baja trucks with reverse shift kits in them, and they prove very handy.. I would assume that pitching it sideways around turns would be similar in the technique of shifting.. (witch is what I'm gonna be doing, gotta show it off, the town has been awaiting this car's completion for years). ((and just for plain FUN!!))