HOT MOPAR DOGS show off your dog or if you dont have dog get one

My little buddy, got him as a fur ball for my daughter because my wife and daughter thought he was SO CUTE. Since she was raised as an only child thought it would help learn responsibility.

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Ebenizer was attending a car show with us, helping with the registration table

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Eb ready for X Mas

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Eb at Sam's club Cruise in with us and our 67 Coronet Convertible

well that didn't work, my wife and I were the caregivers, daughter would close the door to her room so he couldn't get in.

He liked to go everywhere with us, when I plowed snow, he would ride in the back seat of my Bronco. When we bought a new car it was, WELL CAN EB GET IN THE BACK SEAT? Our new PT Cruise was easy for him to get in, got him a sheepskin wooly to cover the leather seats. I still can find his hair in my truck when I sweep it out.

We had to put him down many years ago, miss him but no more dogs, not home enough to take care of one like it should be.