Has anyone painted their car with rollers

Without reading it, how do you know what the process is? ^^ Kidding.

And if the average person constantly comes up to me telling me my paint job is nice, and it looks as good as other cars at shows, then I'll be plenty happy.

I am not exactly shooting for Barret Jackson caliber.

Perfectionism isn't a bad thing, by any means. I'm just not there yet. And won't be able to be there for a long while. This is still my first car to restore. It's kind of like the people who say you need a 3k dollar guitar/amp combo or you're going to sound horrible. Maybe to them it'll be horrible, but I know of a guitarist or two (one of my favorites) who uses two that he picked up from a pawn shop.

Sully, if you are considering cheap , check this out;

i bought a complete kobalt spray gun kit from lowes for less than 100 bucks and a medium paint kit ,acrylic enamel single stage from tcp global . i have less than 300 bucks in primer, paint and a gun and i shot it myself. its not perfect, but looks great and very durable.