Damn Skunks!

Yup,sounds like what my wife and kids use on our little angels...overly nosey dogs.I feel for ya!

I'd have thought she would've figured this out by now, but she just doesn't like any other creatures hanging out in her yard... :sign6:

poor girl

Yeah, she had pawed her lips red when I got home last night.. She's miserable.

I have outside dawgs that are free to roam around out here in the country. The older female wolfdog seems to always have a hint of skunk on her. I kind of suspect she thinks it is perfume which is funny cause aa wild wolf is not supposed to attack skunks yet I have seen many dead ones on display out in the yard.

They also may use the stink as a defense against the little flying bugs that sem to swarm around their eyes. I noticed that my youngest (a canaan dog) had the swarmy bugs and after a little "fragrance" they were gone.

But yeah, it stinks. I have heard tomato juice works.

The mixture worked great on her coat, but this skunk seems to be an older, experienced expert marksman that nailed her with a head shot. I don't want to get this stuff in her eyes or mouth, so I had to be careful.

My mom and dad always used the tomato recipe on their pomeranian. Damn dog got nailed every time it turned around. To dumb to let well enough alone. Always seemed to happen in the early morning when my dad would let it before going to work so it could go do it's duty. He always left the door open a little ways so the dog would come back in when it was done. My mom is in bed sleeping and here comes Fido running full steam ahead and jumps in bed with skunk all over himself. Well, you could here my mom yell a block away cussing her precious little yap dog. They finally started leaving the door closed and if the dog smelled of skunk then he got the special bath treatment outside. To funny.

It's funny a month after... :cheers:

Again? My dog learned her lesson the first time. LOL

Crazy, isn't it? Merlin learned after getting blasted this winter, but Maxi is a stubborn *****.

My dad had the same issue and wanted to dispose of them until he caught one eating a ground hornet nest. He had a few altercations with the ground hornets as well, so the skunks are now ok and he just deals with it.

Interesting.... I've been seeing some digging going on around my concrete driveway. I wonder if thne skunk is finding some sort of insect treats?

Hmm.. thought this was an old post dredged up again. ;)


Lol, Dejavu' Grant!

Lol sorry to hear that. I only laugh because ive been there

I was outside in the garage putting a coat of primer on the welding bench I just got when Maxi jumped up and ran out to the side between the fence and garage. No bark, no warning she just hauled ***. A few seconds later she came running back and flopped down on the driveway, pawing at her face and eyes and there came the smell.... :banghead: