Disc Brake Conversions Using OEM Components

The F/M/J swap is a piece of cake, and your local boneyards should have plenty of cars in that range.

As far as pulling the stuff off, also easy. All you need is a couple of wrenches, a pickle fork and a BFH. I can drop the spindles (and all the attached brake parts) off a car in the boneyard in 10-15 minutes in most cases.

And don't listen to the Mopar Action article about not using the FMJ stuff because of the geometry changes. There is a minor geometry change, but its practically negligible, and arguable beneficial! This article has the real dirt on the FMJ geometry...


I just drop the spindle with everything attached and sort out the rest when I get home. If you're picky and on a budget, you might even be able to find stuff that you can use immediately, although I usually end up replacing all the bearings, rotors and pads. But you get to exchange all the junk stuff as cores.