Shooting in Aurora Colorado

Ink, okay im again older than 15, and yeah i heard what the Coronet was about last year. I forgot. Does it matter? You are getting all put off and up tight about nothing, does it matter im 16? Does it matter i forgot that was a Coronet because i heard what the year and car model was a while ago? No it does, chill the hell out.

Both of you chill out, im older than 15, and Dodge Freak made a comment about the NRA, Demon416 quoted what he said and made a comment about that, im going on what Demon416 said to Dodge Freak, okay?
Ok Ok 1st tel the truth your 15 you have said it a ton in chat , Ive seen you try to pass your self off at 20 too , this stuff right here is why i turned down the friends request