fixed my steering wheel

Ever thought about going into the business ,that looks great

Hey thanks all of you for the comments

OLDFARTSDART as for going into business doing that. weellll let me tell you NOPE!
It's to damn hard, you really have to work at getting it to look right and it'd be like working for about a buck an hour. plus I suck at getting the paint to look correct(jagged edges and wavy curved lines). it took 3 tries just to get the vanilla color on and it still could be improved a lot. If it was a single color wheel then maybe it's be easier but 2 tones SUCK. the bad part is I want to do another one (need steering wheel)for the wife's car and it'll be a 1995 brilliant metallic blue (mopar color) which I'm sure will be just as bad to paint. I must be a sucker for hard work