Shooting in Aurora Colorado

Ink, okay im again older than 15, and yeah i heard what the Coronet was about last year. I forgot. Does it matter? You are getting all put off and up tight about nothing, does it matter im 16? Does it matter i forgot that was a Coronet because i heard what the year and car model was a while ago? No it does, chill the hell out.

Both of you chill out, im older than 15, and Dodge Freak made a comment about the NRA, Demon416 quoted what he said and made a comment about that, im going on what Demon416 said to Dodge Freak, okay?

Please mind your manners here. This site will teach you respect when you get out of line. Or as others have found, it will send you packin'.

This thread was about a tragedy, not the NRA or anything else.

Our thoughts and prayers should be with the families of those killed and wounded.