Shooting in Aurora Colorado

it just makes my stomach turn that humans are capable of such horrible acts like this. its all so pointless.


Pray for the dead and injured.


Please mind your manners here. This site will teach you respect when you get out of line. Or as others have found, it will send you packin'.

This thread was about a tragedy, not the NRA or anything else.

Our thoughts and prayers should be with the families of those killed and wounded.


First let me say, thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by the senseless tragedy in CO.

I am ashamed of some of the comments in this jokes can be made and how everyone is making it out to be something other than. And leading the thread off in different directions to argue about nonsense.

We all have our views. Most of us know right from wrong. We know there are flaws in the country.

And as much as our opinions may differ on certain subjects, I think there is one thing that we can all agree on and that's that this was a senseless act.

That said, show some respect . Thoughts and prayers sent

Thank you!!

The reason why I carry my .45 everywhere. As far as the parents bringing the little kids with them, I have nothing nice to say to/or about them. Really you stupid f.... if I was the law, I'd throw the book at them about child abuse (etc..) for their stupidity. You can call me heartless I don't care, kids come first not a movie.

So it's the parents fault? What about all the teenagers there for a midnight movie? The dead and wounded range from 40+ to 3 months old. What do you know of thier upbringing? Do you have some Godlike insight from where you sit?