Shooting in Aurora Colorado

First, my condolences to the victims and families affected by this pointless act of aggression.

In Canada, I bump into quite a few aggressive dimwits on a daily basis. Luckily for me, by law, they cannot carry a gun. Now, I understand how easy it is to procure guns in the mighty U.S. and realize there are just as many aggressive dimwits down there, as there are in Canada. I think you know where I'm going with this... Aggressive dimwits with guns = a dangerous place to live, regardless of how much of a 'super-hero' these gun toting cowboys think they would be, under a barrage of fully automatic gunfire, in a smoke filled room.

It's not a video game. Slantsixdan is simplifying things in his accurate portrayal of an argument between two sides of a **** coloured coin.
Your opinion and you are entitled to it-however it has NEVER proved to be correct.Noone has ever surrendered to someone that was kissing their ***.